Restorative Healthcare
Medical Weight Loss Program
Struggling to achieve or maintain a health weight? You are not alone. More than 40 % of Americans are living with obesity. Many people do not understand, it more than just about weight.
Why do we gain weight?
High intake of sugar and carbs increases blood sugar levels
The pancreas is triggered to release insulin.
Glucose is moved into cells, especially those of the liver.
The body continues storing excess sugar as fat.
​Carbs tell the body to hold rather than burn fat.
How does Peptide Treatment Work?
Peptide Therapy is a type of hormone therapy that uses human growth hormone (HGH) to help patients lose weight - it can help stimulate insulin production, lower glucose levels and reduce appetite.
Obesity not only affects our physical health but has a significant impact on our mental health. Medical weight loss helps to jump start a healthier you by providing the tools you need to maintain a health lifestyle. Benefits of medical weight loss include lower blood pressure, lower levels of triglycerides, decreased risk of heart disease, improved mobility, and reduced pain, better sex and less erectile dysfunction, improved mood, better sleep, higher self-esteem, improved insulin resistance, and lower risk for multiple cancers.
$400 - Includes initial consultation.
Preliminary labs (a1c, metabolic panel, complete blood count, thyroid panel, lipid panel).
Weigh-in with your provider.
Provided diet guide.
1 month supply of weight loss medication.
Monthly follow-up visits - 3 visits included*.
Assess your weight loss and make changes based on your diet.
*Additional visits thereafter $50. Medication is NOT included with follow up visits.